Resolving the QuickBooks Memorized Transactions Not Automatically Entering Issue

QuickBooks offers a handy feature for automating recurring transactions through memorized transactions. This feature is a significant time-saver for businesses, ensuring that recurring entries such as bills, invoices, and payments are automatically entered without manual intervention. However, sometimes users encounter an issue where these memorized transactions do not automatically enter as expected. This guide aims to address the common causes of this issue and provide detailed troubleshooting solutions to help you resolve it effectively.

Understanding the Issue

Before diving into solutions, it’s essential to understand the common causes of memorized transactions not automatically entering in QuickBooks:

  1. Incorrect Schedule Settings: The schedule settings for memorized transactions may not be configured correctly.
  2. Disabled Automatic Entry: The option to automatically enter memorized transactions might be disabled.
  3. Software Glitches: Occasional software glitches or bugs can cause memorized transactions to not function properly.
  4. User Permissions: Insufficient user permissions can prevent memorized transactions from being entered automatically.
  5. Corrupt Memorized Transactions List: The memorized transactions list might be corrupted, causing issues with automatic entry.

Troubleshooting Solutions for Memorized Transactions Not Automatically Entering

1. Verify Schedule Settings

Incorrect schedule settings are a common cause of memorized transactions not entering automatically. Follow these steps to verify and correct the schedule settings:

  • Open Memorized Transactions List: Go to Lists > Memorized Transaction List.
  • Review Schedule Settings: Double-click each memorized transaction to open its details. Check the schedule settings to ensure they are set up correctly. Make sure the "Automate Transaction Entry" option is checked, and the frequency and next date fields are appropriately configured.
  • Adjust Settings: If necessary, adjust the settings to ensure the transactions are scheduled correctly.

2. Enable Automatic Entry

Ensure that the option to automatically enter memorized transactions is enabled:

  • Access Preferences: Go to Edit > Preferences > General.
  • Check Preferences: Under the My Preferences tab, ensure that the "Automatically Recall Information" and "Automatically open memorized transactions" options are checked.

3. Update QuickBooks

Software glitches or bugs can cause issues with memorized transactions. Keeping QuickBooks up to date can help resolve these problems:

  • Check for Updates: Go to Help > Update QuickBooks Desktop. Follow the prompts to check for and install any available updates.
  • Restart QuickBooks: After updating, restart QuickBooks to ensure the changes take effect.

4. Verify User Permissions

Insufficient user permissions can prevent memorized transactions from being entered automatically. Here’s how to verify and adjust user permissions:

  • Open User List: Go to Company > Users > Set Up Users and Roles.
  • Review Permissions: Select each user and review their permissions. Ensure that users responsible for managing memorized transactions have the necessary permissions to create and enter transactions.
  • Adjust Permissions: If necessary, adjust the permissions to grant users the appropriate access.

5. Re-create Memorized Transactions

If the memorized transactions list is corrupted, re-creating the transactions can resolve the issue:

  • Delete Corrupted Transactions: Go to Lists > Memorized Transaction List. Select the corrupted transactions and delete them.
  • Re-create Transactions: Manually create new transactions and memorize them again. Ensure that the schedule settings are configured correctly.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If the above solutions do not resolve the issue, consider the following additional steps:

6. Run Verify and Rebuild Data

Running the Verify and Rebuild Data utilities can help identify and fix data issues in QuickBooks:

  • Run Verify Data: Go to File > Utilities > Verify Data. Follow the prompts to verify your company file for any data issues.
  • Run Rebuild Data: If the Verify Data utility finds issues, run the Rebuild Data utility by going to File > Utilities > Rebuild Data. Follow the prompts to fix the data issues.

7. Check for Conflicts with Other Software

Conflicts with other software, such as antivirus programs, can cause issues with QuickBooks:

  • Disable Antivirus Temporarily: Temporarily disable your antivirus software and see if the issue persists.
  • Check for Conflicts: Ensure that no other software is conflicting with QuickBooks. If you identify any conflicts, consider adjusting the settings of the conflicting software or consulting with your IT department.

8. Contact Support

If all else fails, reaching out to QuickBooks support can provide additional assistance:

  • QuickBooks Support: Contact QuickBooks support for help with troubleshooting memorized transaction issues. They can provide more specific guidance based on your version of QuickBooks and the details of your issue.

Preventative Measures for Future Issues

To minimize the chances of encountering issues with memorized transactions in the future, consider the following preventative measures:

1. Regular Software Updates

Keep QuickBooks up to date by regularly checking for and installing updates. This ensures you have the latest features and bug fixes.

2. Routine Data Verification

Perform routine data verification to identify and fix any issues with your company file. Regular use of the Verify and Rebuild Data utilities can help maintain data integrity.

3. User Training

Ensure your staff is well-trained in using QuickBooks and managing memorized transactions. Provide ongoing training to keep them updated on best practices and new features.

4. Backup Important Data

Regularly backup your QuickBooks data to prevent data loss in case of issues. Use both local and cloud backups for added security.


Memorized transactions not automatically entering in QuickBooks can disrupt your business operations, but by following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can resolve the issue effectively. Regular updates, routine data verification, and staff training are essential practices to prevent future problems. If you encounter persistent issues, don’t hesitate to contact QuickBooks support for additional assistance. With these steps, you can keep your QuickBooks running smoothly and ensure that your memorized transactions are entered automatically as expected.

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